How To Log Safety Pilot Time?

How To Log Safety Pilot Time?

To log the flight time you’ve spent flying as a safety pilot, all you need to do is keep track of the hours you’re in the air and then submit them when you get your flight logs turned in by your company or agency. Your small-aircraft rating allows you to fly personal aircraft without supervision, but before you can apply for certification to fly professionally, the FAA requires that you log 100 hours of safety pilot time (not flight time). This post explains how to log your safety pilot time properly so you can get your commercial pilot certificate more quickly. For more information about the certification process, read How To log saftey pilot .To make this easy, just follow these steps

What is a safety pilot?

A safety pilot is someone who flies with a student or novice drone operator and watches them fly the drone. This person makes sure the student is following all of the FAA regulations. 

Safety pilots can be any type of person, as long as they have a drone license and are capable of flying drones themselves. They should also know how to read maps and flight logs, as well as basic aviation knowledge like altitude, speed and airspace restrictions. Safety pilots often must sign off on whether or not an applicant passes the test at the end of their training program. 

A person does not need any previous experience in aviation or drones before applying for this position; however, it’s important for someone wishing to become a safety pilot to stay up-to-date on current regulations.

How to log safety pilot time?

There are two ways to log the time you spend on a safety pilot. One is by logging your hours on a paper flight plan, and the other is through an electronic flight plan. The first way requires you to know how many hours you’re spending on the project, write down each hour as it happens, and then hand in your flight plan at the end of your shift. This process can get tricky if there’s no set schedule for when you need to be in and out of the cockpit. The second way is much more efficient because it allows pilots to enter their hours electronically from their computer or mobile device. As long as a company has internet access, they can use this method with ease. It doesn’t matter where the pilot is located while they’re on duty, they’ll be able to keep track of their hours remotely. Most companies that operate internationally will use this system so all employees can track their work independently without any errors. For those who work with charter flights and private jets, you can report your hours via email or text message so it doesn’t interfere with what’s happening in the cockpit. With this method, pilots can record the total number of hours spent flying, which leaves them open to filling out paperwork later on. With these methods available, which one should you choose? A combination of both might be best because they offer different benefits. In the end, it depends on how often you fly and whether or not your employer needs accurate records of your flight time.

Can a Safety Pilot Log Night Time?

Safety pilots are not allowed to fly at night. Therefore, it is not possible for a safety pilot to log nighttime hours. 

Safety pilots are only allowed to fly in the daytime and can log daylight hours. 

A safety pilot logs daylight hours by flying during the day. Daylight hours are defined as between sunrise and sunset. It’s best for the pilot to have an accurate timepiece so that he or she can be sure of logging accurate daylight hours. If a safety pilot flies from 12:00pm-5:00pm then he or she would have logged 8 daytime hours. The total number of daylight hours per month is calculated by adding up all the flights flown during the day within a given month. If a safety pilot were to fly 10 flights in one month, each flight would be worth one hour towards the total number of daylight hours flown per month. 

Nighttime flights count towards nighttime hours instead. To calculate how many nighttime flight hours you’ve completed, divide your number of nights with nighttime flights into your monthly total flight hour total .

Is a Private Pilot Required to Log Flight Time?

The FAA requires pilots to log their flight time. A private pilot is required to log at least 50 hours of flight time, including at least 10 hours of solo flying, before sitting for the check ride. Logging your flight time is important for a number of reasons: it will keep you legal and help you maintain currency. It can also be used to prove compliance with insurance requirements, or as evidence if an accident occurs. 

The first step in logging your flight time is registering with the FAA . You may do this by completing an application form either online or on paper and submitting it along with payment for a fee to register yourself as an airman . When filling out the registration form, you should list all of your current licenses and certificates as well as any ratings you currently hold. If there are any that are no longer valid due to expiration or suspension, then they should be crossed out on the form. Any ratings that you have should also be noted because it’s likely that the amount of logged flight time will differ depending on what level certificate or rating you’ve earned. 

What are the benefits of logging safety pilot time?

There are many benefits of logging your flight hours as a safety pilot. First, it’s the only way you can get credit for your experience in an airline or other aviation job application process. Second, it is a great way to maintain currency in skills and knowledge that may otherwise not be used on the ground. Third, if you’re looking for an airline job after being laid off from a legacy carrier, logging flight time as a safety pilot will allow you to remain qualified for most airline jobs in the future with one exception: Air Traffic Controller positions. Fourth, if you have any aspirations of flying for the military (USAF), then logging flight hours as a safety pilot is required by law. Fifth, it allows you to keep current with what’s going on at airports around the country because you’ll see how different air traffic control facilities handle different situations. Sixth, it will allow you to keep current with weather reporting and predicting procedures so that you’ll be ready for anything when instructing student pilots. Seventh, it will give you a chance to work with all types of aircraft, which might make deciding what type of plane is best suited for your next purchase easier. Eighth, keeping up-to-date logs of your flight time as a safety pilot provides important information about which aircraft need inspection before continuing use within commercial service.


One of the most important aspects of becoming a professional pilot is logging flight hours and maintaining currency. The FAA requires that pilots log at least ten hours of flight time every two years to maintain their flying certificates. However, many pilots are unaware that they can also log flight hours for other purposes, such as training and proficiency checks. These so-called ‘safety’ flights can help you stay in practice, maintain currency, and make sure you’re ready when you need to fly on the job. To do this, you simply need to keep accurate records of your flying hours and talk with your employer about what type of activities count as ‘safety’ flights. In order for these hours to count towards your total annual requirement, they must be logged with the FAA before the end of each calendar year. It’s also worth noting that these hours can only be counted toward your flight certificate. If you want to maintain other certificates (such as an instrument rating), you’ll have to log those separately. Safety flights should always come first, but if you have some free time on weekends or after work – go ahead and take advantage of it!