How To Shape Chest After Gynecomastia Surgery?

How To Shape Chest After Gynecomastia Surgery?

Men who have had gynecomastia surgery know that their chest needs time to heal before they can exercise again, but how long does it really take? A standard chest surgery recovery time lasts four to six weeks, so what happens when you start trying to shape your chest sooner? Is it possible to even work out after getting this procedure done? How can you tell if your chest is healed and ready to go? Find out the answers to these questions and more in our guide on how to shape chest after gynecomastia surgery.

Start with the basics

A breast reduction surgery reduces the size of the breasts and usually produces a more feminine contour. It is often done as an elective procedure for women who are overweight or in men who have excess breast tissue (gynecomastia). This can reduce back pain and make your clothes fit better. The surgery may also be done to help treat cases of severe breast ptosis, which is when the nipple points downward instead of outwards. Breast reduction may be performed on either one or both breasts.

The procedure starts with making a horizontal incision across the bottom of each areola (dark skin around the nipple) and continues down through the crease underneath each breast. The surgeon will then remove excess fat, glandular tissue, and skin until you achieve your desired size.

Consider your lifestyle

As I am a single father who works full time, it is important for me that my post-surgery routine be efficient and effective. The reality is that there are no shortcuts to healing and hard work pays off in the end. 

I have found a routine that works well for me. I wear compression wraps 24/7 and apply Bio Oil 2x per day. I also do 2 sets of 200 push-ups per day with a 5 minute break in between sets, as well as 3 sets of 50 pull-ups per day with a 5 minute break in between sets. In addition, I start my morning routine by doing 30 minutes of low intensity cardio on the elliptical machine or walking on the treadmill. Then I will either do high intensity interval training on the elliptical machine or walk on the treadmill at 80% of max heart rate. Lastly, before bedtime I will do 10-15 minutes of stretching and foam rolling.

If you can commit to this workout regimen, your goal is achievable!

Set some goals

I want to learn how I can reshape my chest following the surgery. The doctor told me that there would be a lot of swelling and it was very difficult to predict what the final result would look like. He said that I needed to wear a compression vest for at least six months, but he couldn’t tell me if it would have any effect on the outcome. I’m looking for ways in which I can take control and make my chest as appealing as possible in order to feel confident again. 

I’ll start by researching more about the procedure and how long it will take before seeing any results. After talking with a few friends who have had this surgery done, they mentioned some exercises that might help too. My surgeon suggested that I avoid weight lifting for six weeks because of the risk of increasing scar tissue or damaging skin healing under the muscle. In fact, anything where I push against something is out so no bench pressing either! It seems like swimming is okay though because it involves moving my body through water instead of up and down over objects. I’ve heard great things about breast augmentation as well so while I research these options thoroughly, there’s also an opportunity to explore other options too.

Find a surgeon you trust

Do your research before you decide on a surgeon. Find out if they specialize in gynecomastia and find reviews from patients they have treated. Understand their surgical methods, what the process will be like, and the recovery timeline. Remember that each patient’s experience is different, so don’t be discouraged if a lot of people report negative experiences. Make sure you know about any potential risks associated with the procedure and that you are comfortable with them. Your surgeon should be able to provide more detailed information about these risks during your consultation appointment. Make sure you feel confident in how the surgery will affect your body, how long it will take for the changes to appear, and how long it will take for them to settle back into place.

Follow your surgeon’s instructions

The first thing you need to do is follow your surgeon’s instructions. If you are told not to exercise, then don’t. If they say that there is a special type of bra you should wear, then wear it. It is also important that you avoid any strenuous activity for the first few weeks as this can cause a lot of swelling and pain in the area. In other words, it would be best if you just rested for about four weeks following your surgery (which will give time for the incision site to heal). However, some surgeons might recommend against doing anything too active while others may encourage it. That being said, you need to ask your doctor which method they believe will be most effective for you. Another tip that many people find useful is to buy an armless compression shirt – these shirts work by compressing the muscles on the sides of the torso so that they don’t sag downwards. You can usually find these at any clothing store or online retailer like Amazon.

Stay healthy and hydrated

If you’re thinking about getting a procedure done, you may feel nervous about the recovery process. You’ll need to prepare mentally and physically for it, so here are some tips on how you can stay healthy and hydrated before and after your procedure: 

Stay active during the time leading up to your procedure. Exercise will help speed up your body’s healing process. 

Be sure not to skip breakfast or lunch before surgery. This will provide your body with nutrients it needs for a speedy recovery. -You’ll want to drink lots of water before, during, and after surgery in order to keep yourself hydrated and maintain good kidney function. Staying hydrated is important because it helps flush toxins from your system, which prevents infection. Drinking lots of fluids will also ensure that your heart has enough blood pumping through it.

It’s best to eat light foods that don’t require much chewing like soup, broth, applesauce, gelatin desserts, yogurt smoothies (made with milk instead of juice), and soft ice cream. Avoid food that might cause choking like whole nuts and chunks of cheese. Your doctor should tell you what kind of diet is appropriate for you post-surgery based on the type and extent of your procedure as well as other factors such as age or any pre-existing medical conditions.

Give your body time to heal

Recovery time varies depending on the severity of your case. For example, if you had a small amount of tissue removed, then you may only need one or two weeks for recovery. If you had a large operation, then it may take three or four months for healing to be complete. Remember that it is important not to do anything too strenuous during this time period. In order to minimize scarring and maximize results, stay away from doing any physical activities until at least six weeks post-op. The first few weeks will also require more sleep than usual as your body heals itself and its hormones regulate themselves again. The final stages of healing will have a significant impact on the final appearance of your chest, so make sure to follow all directions given by your doctor!

Don’t smoke

Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer and heart disease. It’s also a risk factor for Alzheimer’s, diabetes, cataracts and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. 

Smoking not only has negative health effects on you, but it can also affect those around you with secondhand smoke. Children are especially vulnerable because they breathe in more air per pound of body weight than adults. 

Quitting can be hard, but your body will thank you for it in the long run! Here are some tips that may help: 

  • Plan ahead by figuring out when you’ll stop smoking, what triggers might make you light up and what ways to cope with cravings. 
  • Ask friends or family members for support. 
  • Keep nicotine replacements like gum or patches on hand so that you have something healthy to do instead of lighting up. 
  • Get rid of cigarettes and lighters as soon as possible so that you won’t see them or remember how much fun smoking was at first (and then how awful it became.

Final thoughts

Recovery time can vary, but I would say it’s a safe bet that you’ll be able to get back in the gym around six weeks post-op. This is assuming you’re not lifting anything too heavy and your incision is healing well. It’s usually best to wait until at least three months before getting any sort of breast implants or fat grafting done. The good news is that by this point, your chest will have a much more natural appearance as opposed to the sucked in look that it may have had for a few months following surgery. 

I hope this helps!