How To Zoom in with Sniper GTA 5 Xbox?

How To Zoom in with Sniper GTA 5 Xbox?

How to Zoom in on Sniping in GTA 5 XBOX? This can be difficult if you have never done this before, however it isn’t something that cannot be done by anyone. By following this guide closely, you will be able to become an expert at sniping and use it effectively to your advantage in the game of Grand Theft Auto 5. The following information will help you become an expert sniper from the very beginning of the game! Follow these steps closely!

1) Go to the options menu

To use the Sniper Rifle, you need to hold down the B button. Look through the scope and press X on your controller or keyboard. Remember that it is easier to shoot from a higher point of view, but be careful not to get shot yourself! If you want to zoom in and out, use the D-pad or your mouse wheel. You can change the range by using A and D, or W and S. You can also change the crosshair color by using Y for yellow, U for red, I for blue, O for green, P for pink etcetera. You can change how fast the cursor moves when zooming by pressing T and adjusting the speed up or down. You can toggle the flashlight by pressing F. The grenade launcher is accessed by going into the weapons menu and selecting it. The grenade launcher has two modes: A which stands for area and blows up all within its radius, while B stands for bounce mode which bounces off surfaces until it runs out of fuel before exploding.

2) Select the controller tab

In order to zoom in with the sniper rifle, you will need to use the right bumper button on your controller. It is easy enough to do – just hold down the button and look through the scope. You will notice that it zooms in on whatever you are aiming at. Zoom back out by pressing the same button again. You can also use two fingers on your right hand (or left hand if you are left-handed) and pinch together while looking through the scope – this will also zoom in a little bit more. Keep in mind that zooming in too much may be uncomfortable for some people or make them dizzy. 

The following are other helpful controls for sniper mode: C centers the crosshair on the target. M changes from using up/down keys to move up or down, and instead uses left/right keys for elevation change when needed. Holding R locks onto targets without needing to worry about not being able to find them as easily anymore! 

In case you have been playing GTA V for quite some time and have never figured out how these controls work, you may want to get used to them now before continuing so they will be second nature later on.

3) Under aim assist select normal

Open the settings menu, and select controls. From there, click on button layout. You will see two rows of buttons. The first row should already be highlighted, so click the left thumbstick on the word aim assist and press A. This will replace the word with a space. Next, scroll down to the bottom of the list, and find Normal (sixth from last). Click it, then return to aim assist where you should now see a box for Normal as an option. Select it, and click apply/okay at the bottom of the screen. Now your controller is ready to use. In game, open the control menu again by pressing Y while playing. When you reach Controls & Buttons, move right until you see Aim Assist: Normal. That’s all! Your controller is now set up and ready to use. To zoom in with the Sniper Rifle, hold LT (LB) while aiming.

4) Press and hold LT/L2 to aim down the sights of your gun

  • Use the left analog stick to move the camera around. 
  • Press and hold down on the right analog stick to zoom in. 
  • To zoom out, press and hold down on the left analog stick. -When you release your thumb from the right analog stick, it zooms back out to where you are looking. 
  • If you want to switch between first person and third person view without zooming in or out first, then press LB/L1 or RB/R1 respectively. -You can also zoom in while aiming by pressing and holding up on the right analog stick.

5) Use the right analog stick to zoom in

If you’re playing on Xbox 360, the gamepad has an analog stick. To zoom in, move the right analog stick up and down. If you’re playing on PlayStation 3 or PlayStation 4, use the R2 button to zoom in. If you’re playing on PC, use the scroll wheel on your mouse. How do I change my aim? 

There are three ways to change your aim: 

  • Use the left thumbstick on your controller: If you’re playing on Xbox 360, the gamepad has a thumbstick. Press up to look closer and press down to look farther away from what you are aiming at. If you’re playing on PlayStation 3 or PlayStation 4, press L3 for closer and R3 for farther away from what you are aiming at. If you’re playing on PC, hold W to look closer and S to look farther away from what you are aiming at. 
  • Use the buttons on your controller: If you’re playing on Xbox 360, press A for closer and B for farther away from what you are aiming at. If you’re playing on PlayStation 3 or PlayStation 4, press X for closer and O for farther away from what you are aiming at. If you’re playing on PC, hold Q to look closer and E to look farther away from what you are aiming at. 
  • Hold down the shoot button while moving the camera with your mouse: Holding down shoot while moving around will allow one of these two things to happen depending which mode is chosen.


When you are playing a game, there are some tasks that you want to do close up and others that you need to do long range. You can control this by zooming in or zooming out depending on what you’re trying to do. When using the Sniper Rifle, it’s important that you have good aim and be as accurate as possible. To zoom in with the Sniper Rifle, press the left trigger button while holding down the right trigger button. Now you should see more of your target. Your reticle will also change shape so that you know where your shot is going to land when fired. To zoom out, release the right trigger and use only the left trigger instead.