Can tooth infection cause sinus infection?

Can tooth infection cause sinus infection?

Most sinus infections are caused by viruses or bacteria that spread through the air and enter your nose when you breathe in. Bacteria may also grow in your nose if you have nasal allergies, such as allergies to dust or pollen, or if you are congested from a cold or allergies. When bacteria grow in your nose, they can infect the tissue in your nose and sinuses and cause an infection known as acute bacterial rhinosinusitis (ABRS). Other types of sinus infections include chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) and recurrent acute rhinosinusitis (RARS).

What are tooth infections?

Tooth infections, also known as dental caries, occur when a particular type of bacteria called Streptococcus mutans digests sugar in the mouth and releases acid that erodes enamel on teeth. Tooth infections can be caused by anything from brushing your teeth too hard to eating food with high sugar content. When left untreated, tooth infections can lead to cavities or even worse: abscesses. To avoid these types of issues, you should brush twice a day for two minutes and visit your dentist every six months for a checkup. A dental infection can easily become a sinus infection because they share many similarities. Both start out with symptoms such as sore throat, fever, and congestion. The difference between the two is that there are more complications associated with sinuses than there are with tooth infections. Sinuses are located in your nasal cavity near the face and help humidify air before it goes into the lungs during breathing. They’re made up of turbinate’s (projections) which act like one-way valves to allow air to flow through but not back out again. Problems happen when an obstruction blocks airflow and causes an accumulation of pressure inside your nose which leads to pain, headache, and more congestion.

What is a sinus infection?

A sinus infection occurs when the membranes that line your nose and sinuses become inflamed. This inflammation can lead to a number of symptoms, including: nasal congestion, a sore throat, fever, headaches, postnasal drip (a thin discharge that leaks from the back of your nose), and decreased sense of smell.

The most common causes of this condition are viral infections or allergies. But it is possible for you to experience symptoms of a sinus infection if you have an oral health issue like an infected tooth or gum disease in which bacteria enter your bloodstream through the bloodstream and travel to other parts of the body. If you think you may be experiencing signs and symptoms of a bacterial dental problem like this, talk to your dentist about what treatment options are available for you!

Sinuses are not always clear and open

The sinuses are not always clear and open. They can become closed as a result of an infection like a cold, allergies or even in response to an injury to the head, according to Mayo Clinic. A person may also develop a chronic condition called rhinosinusitis that leads to chronically inflamed sinuses. In some cases, bacteria from infected teeth can travel up into the nose and lead to a sinus infection. Sinus infections can be uncomfortable and make it difficult to breathe through your nose, eat or sleep. According to the American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI), sinus infections are most common in children ages 3-5 years old because their nasal passages are still developing, but they’re also prevalent among adults who suffer with frequent sinus problems due to allergies or other health issues such as asthma.

Tooth infection causes sinus infection

Yes, sometimes a tooth infection can lead to a sinus infection. This typically happens when the bacteria from an infected tooth travel through the bloodstream and start to infect the lining of the nose. The symptoms of this condition, called periapical periodontitis, are similar to those of other types of sinus infections: severe pain in the face and head, fever, congestion, cough and difficulty breathing. You should see your doctor if you have any of these symptoms as they can also be signs of more serious health issues like a stroke or brain tumor.

How tooth infection treated

Tooth infections are usually treated with a root canal. The infected area is drilled and the nerve tissue is removed, then the cavity is cleaned out and filled. If you don’t get a root canal, the bacteria may enter your bloodstream or jawbone and travel to other parts of your body. While it’s possible for a sinus infection to occur after tooth extraction surgery, it’s more likely that the complication occurred due to another issue such as trauma or an underlying medical condition like diabetes. If symptoms worsen despite taking over-the-counter medications, be sure to contact your dentist immediately.

Why can’t antibiotics be used to treat tooth infections?

Antibiotics have been used for decades to treat various bacterial infections, but they’re not effective at treating a dental infection. This is because the bacteria that can lead to oral infections are not sensitive to antibiotics. In fact, overuse of antibiotics has led to the evolution of antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria and can be fatal. That’s why it’s important for dentists to prescribe antibiotic medications only when absolutely necessary.

Tooth Infection Symptoms

Symptoms of a tooth infection are more than just a bad taste in your mouth. In addition to the usual symptoms of a sinus infection (such as congestion, fever, head and chest pain), symptoms of an infected tooth may also include:

  • Toothaches or headaches that only worsen when you eat or drink anything;
  • Jaw pain;
  • Swollen gums.

If you’re experiencing these symptoms, it’s best to see your dentist right away. If they determine that your tooth is indeed infected, they will be able to provide you with antibiotics or other treatment necessary.


It is possible for a tooth infection to lead to a sinus infection. In fact, it is the most common way. Sometimes, when people have a toothache and don’t treat it in time, they will get an abscess under the gum or around the roots of their teeth. This can then spread through their bloodstream and infect other parts of their body, including the nose and throat. The pain and swelling in these areas are what leads to a sinus infection.

Tooth infections can be difficult to diagnose because they can start slowly and symptoms might not show up right away. It’s important that you pay attention to any pain or swelling you have around your teeth or gums so that you can see if it worsens over time or spreads into another area of your body.